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growing and successful european international garment company which manufactures sports-, outdoor-, fashion- and casualwear for european market is looking for experienced colleagues to join our team in hangzhou. our european office is based in holland which is responsible for design and sales; our hong kong and hangzhou offices are responsible for sourcing and manufacturing. we are anticipating growth so we are looking for colleagues to join our newly set up hangzhou office.<br>某跨国公司专门出口各类成衣 (如运动服装, 户外服装,时装,休闲服装)到欧洲市场, 为了配合迅速的业务发展及开拓展中国之业务 , 将于中国杭州成立办事处 , 本公司欧洲办事处位于荷兰 , 主要付责设计及销售 , 而香港及杭州办事处付责资源采集及生产 , 现诚聘各有关之人才加入成为本公司的一份子.